Signature Treatment Proverb Total Stress Relief

Signature Treatment Proverb Total Stress Relief

  • Lasts 60 minutes

Back, shoulder & neck massage plus facial and lifting massage - all developed with powerful stress targeting techniques. Focused on removing tension and ironing away stress in the entire upper body. Our combination of massage and stretch techniques will revive tired and tight muscles,  mobilise joints and increase your range of movement. Your therapist will then deep cleanse, exfoliate and massage with facial techniques to target clenched jaws, tension headaches, worry lines and all the pent up stress kept in your facial muscles using essential omega fatty acids, anti – oxidants and powerful amino acids to restore and fortify. To tailor and improve the results choose your bioactive organic body oil that best describes you currently - 'I can't sleep, I can't stay well, I am stressed or I have so much to do.'

From £85.00